Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 180 – Lynette Davies


September 22nd 2011


Committee Clerk

Environment and Sustainability Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay


CF99 1NA

Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales Consultation Process

Dear Sir / Madam,

I believe that the energy policy in Wales and the UK is flawed and requires a total review for the following reasons:-

         The economy of Wales will be adversely affected by the planning policy surrounding wind farms, which will therefore reduce tourism and consequently lead to major job losses.

Our roads will be frequently blocked and also damaged by the enormous transport used for the turbines and other infrastructure. This will be on-going for the foreseeable future as the turbines will need replacing in approximately 15 years. As new turbines are being installed old ones will be being replaced!

House prices and business values will be reduced which, in turn, will lead to school closures and consequently people will inevitably move from the area.

         There will be an increased risk to health from sub-stations and pylons, only seen since the existence of the National Grid (see the Draper report).

       Technical Advice Note 8 (TAN 8) should be scrapped or thoroughly reviewed. The overall and cumulative effect of the wind farms and pylons with their infrastructure has not been considered properly in any of the planning policies.

         On shore wind turbines are not efficient ( no more than 30%)  and there has not been enough consideration of or research into other forms of renewable energy eg. Solar/ photovoltaic panels for all homes; off shore wind turbines; the Severn Barrier, or lagoons; thermal energy for all homes; hydro-electric power etc. Even safe Nuclear Energy is improving tremendously and, from what I’ve heard and have read, a new form using Thorium, is probably about to become viable. ( see Kirk Thorensen, former Nasa Engineer).  This needs much more research and investment.

         Wind turbines and pylons are visually very obtrusive and will ruin our landscape and the environment. More flooding will certainly occur; forests, and the animals and birds living there, will be very badly affected; and the constant noise factor when the turbines are working will be intolerable.

         I feel that wind power is seen as the cure-all for our energy problems but in installing turbines and pylons the incredibly beautiful countryside, of Montgomeryshire, will be ruined. We already have some turbines - we do not need more!

Finally – I object to my taxes being used to fund this! My husband and I have recently received (unsolicited) four (two each) glossy brochures from the National Grid ‘up-dating’ us on the progress so far! I know of other people who have received these brochures (again - two to each person in the partnership).

What a waste of my money!!


Please, please reconsider the current energy policy and planning process in Wales.


Yours faithfully,

Lynette Davies